mao feng-凯发k8娱乐登录k8凯发下

announcer:管理学院公共账号release time:2019-11-05views:370

name: mao feng                               

professional title: lecturer

research area: spatio-time data mining

                         urban computing


mao feng graduated from zhejiang university in 2007 with a bachelor of sciences degree in gis, and from zhejiang provincial laboratory of gis in zhejiang university in 2010 with a master of sciences degree in gis. he received his ph.d. at east china normal university in 2015. in 2015, he joined the faculty at hangzhou dianzi university in the school of management. his research interests focus on spatio-time data mining, urban computing and remote sensing.

research projects

1.research on jobs-housing spatial characteristics and change mechani** based on urban computing: from the perspective of fluid urbani** (nsfc), 2019.1~2021.12 on features and change mechani** of jobs-housing relationship in a city based on urban computing technology (zhejiang nsf), 2017.1~2019.12


1.k. kelobonye, f. mao, et al. the impact of employment self-sufficiency measures on commuting time: case study of perth, australia, sustainability

2.t.q. liu, f. mao, et al. an efficient mixed-mode test-per-clock scheme, journal of electronics & information technologydoi:10.11999/jeit161202

3.y. liu, f. mao, et al. the container truck route optimization problem by the hybrid pso-aco algorithm, icic 2017

4.t. x. song, f. mao, et al. a study on shanghai internal touri** spatial distribution model. journal of shandong normal university(natural science) , doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4748.2016.03.017

5.q.k. zhu, f. mao, et al. retrieval of chlorophyll in hangzhou bay based on hyperspectral satellite, spie remote sensing

6.f. mao, et al. mining spatiotemporal patterns of urban dwellers from taxi trajectory data, frontiers of earth science

7.f. mao, et al. evaluating the feasibility of data collection via gps-enabled mobile phones for passive household travel surveys, ictis

8.w.h. lin, f. mao, et al. spatial network ****ysis of urban tourist flow of the scenic spots: a case of hangzhou, journal of zhejiang university.(science edition), doi: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2016.04.013


*  business intelligence

*  course design of business intelligence

*  mobile application development

*  xml technology
