xu zuoning-凯发k8娱乐登录k8凯发下

announcer:管理学院公共账号release time:2019-10-30views:297

name: xu zuoning                                         

professional title: lecturer

research area: information system and user behavior



male, born in february 1976, yongkang zhejiang province, doctor of management. he graduated from the school of economics and management, southwest jiaotong university. since september 2006, he has taught at the school of management, hangzhou dianzi university. he has published more than 10 articles in various academic journals, such as applied research of computer, soft science, information journal. he has participated in 10 scientific research projects, and published one monograph. in 2010, he began to be the director of the experimental center, assisting the dean in charge to carry out the long-term planning and daily management of experimental resources.


research projects

educational cooperation and cooperative education project of ministry of education: business intelligence, big data analysis method and construction project of applied practice conditions,2019-2021.


1.understanding social capital on mobile sns—an is success model perspective, international journal of mobile human computer interaction, 2018(4), 1-17.

2.strategic planning and implementation of enterprise information system in dynamic environment, china social science press, 2009, 10.

3.research on user interest discovery and personalized recommendation based on socialized annotation, modern intelligence, 2018(7), 67-73.

4.framework analysis of group decision support system for strategic information system planning, journal of hangzhou dianzi university (social science edition), 2007(3), 14-19.


*  computer network

*  uml technology

*  logistics system simulation

*  xml technology

